A Shame for the USA

It is a disgrace how prisoners on death row are treated. The injury documented above occurred in February 2022, when Michael Nance was being transported to a hospital for an examination. To that end, it is important to know that prisoners on such transports are shackled in such a way that they cannot help themselves in an emergency situation.

Michael Nance writes to us:
"I had my medical examination and on my way back from the prison hospital the officer that was driving the van, slammed on the brakes trying to make his turn that already missed , 75 to 80 miles a hour in a readatail neighborhood , I did not had a seat belt put on me.
I did have handcuffs and belly chain, and leg irons on. so there was no way for me to brace for a extreme impact against the me tail grate separating officer from inmate!!! got to the prison , and the warden told or officers to take me to Hospital .
They took x-rays of my hand and knee , not broke, just badly bruised and twisted.
Have a concution !!!! still dizzy !!! slight vision blurred,
migraine still!!!! I'll e-mail more my friend , I did send you a picture of where my head hit the grate."

These injuries were accepted at least approvingly by the officials, because they did not put on Michael a safety belt!  - Other prisoners have also told us about this.
It is a pity for the USA that still people are executed there and it is a shame for the USA how they treat and let suffer these people in the death rows before...

As you can also see from Michael's injuries, the prisoners are not only mistreated with solitary confinement...

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